Shark finning factsSharks_files/ws%20fining.pdf
Shark finning awareness leafletSharks_files/ws%20fining%20dl.pdf
Shark species identificationSharks_files/ws%20shark%20ident.pdf

Misunderstood and viewed by many as one of the most deadly predators of the sea, sharks annually kill less people (around 10) than domestic pigs, golfing mishaps, toasters or even vending machines yet we are fishing
them from the oceans and seas by a conservative estimate at the
rate of 70 to 100 million a year, that’s around 160 sharks per
minute, every minute, every day.


The main driver of this slaughter is for their fins which are
considered a delicacy in the far east and are used to make ‘shark fin soup’. If you want to see what shark finning actually is then you can see it here. Viewer discretion advised: graphic video. They are also hunted for their liver oil (squalene), cartilage and to a much lesser extent, their meat.

                            As apex predators they serve a vital role in maintaining an
                            ecological balance in our seas and oceans and as their
                            populations continue to fall through extreme overfishing the
                            full effect of their decline and the subsequent effects on the
                            ecosystems in which they once thrived will become apparent,
                            at which stage it may be too late to reverse the effects and their
                            decline to extinction.


Below you will find a fact sheet on shark fining and what you can do to help sharks. We also have an identification sheet covering the main species of shark (there are over 400 species in total so we’ve had to limit it somewhat).

We are currently working with other organisations and legislators
to have the 5% EU finning loophole closed along with the banning
of the sale of Shark Fin Soup and shark products. A petition with
over 1,600 signatures has been re-submitted recently to the new
Minister along with background information, the law as it stands
and suggested new legislative guidelines. We will be posting
progress updates as they become available.